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Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Drink To Go Out On

So it's already the 21st in Australia and unless I've missed something and they are all on fire over there, then I think it's safe to say we're good. But, for those few who are still a little superstitious and believe the world is going to end in a few hours then here are a few cocktails that are well suited to put you in a joyful apocalyptic spirit.
One thing is certain though. If the world does end and John Cusack doesn't save us from our watery graves by getting us across the world by way of random aircraft and monks, then we will all be rid of Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. Bright side.


  1. But we'll all also be dead. So who cares if Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber are dead.

  2. The Mayans didn't use the Australian time zone as the start of their day, the used their own location as the start of their day, so when the clock strikes midnight, shit is going to hit the fan. I'm from the future. Trust me.
