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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Time and silence are the most luxurious things today.
-Tom Ford

When you think about luxury, you think of mansions, fast cars, beautiful women,  and unlimited money and resources. That is the "Dream". But when you really get down to the bare bones of things, it's always the simplest of pleasures that are the most luxurious. When I wake up in the morning, I think about all the things that need to be done and by what time. I'm usually 15 minutes late to everything and will always try to sleep as long as I possibly can. At the end of the day what do we all do? We walk into our home, take off our shoes, take off the day's attire, take a long deep breath and sit down.
That is at least what I do. I enjoy the silence and the fact that the rest of the time in the day is mine. I can use it how I please, or not use it at all. At that point in the day, you are the master. You are in control of yourself. 
That is true luxury.
Thank you, Tom. For putting it all in perspective.

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